Sunday, October 28, 2007

Chasing Father Walt (not Disney)

Some of you have been wondering why this blog is called Chasing Eidolons. It's not called Chasing E-Idols, which must be some kind of Japanese semi-norp portal.

If you don't know what norp is, urbandictionary it.

An "eidolon" is a wonderful word meaning:
1. A phantom; an apparition.
2. An image of an ideal.

Which is beautiful and ironic at the same time. Why should a word that describes an ideal also be a world that describes a phantom or an ideal? Embedded in the word itself is already a deep understanding of the impossibility, perhaps futility of having an ideal - it's only and image, a phantom, a transitory apparition.


Eat_My_Shortz said...

Starseeker said...

Right on. Darchrow rules!