Friday, November 16, 2007

The SMH, Sensationalism, Government Control

Wow! Singapore bans Mass Effect, a game that features "a scene of lesbian intimacy".

My favourite Chinese-run nation state in the world is so ultra conservative it's can't handle a little bit of alien lesbian love.

Of course, The SMH being the fountain of information that it is, also provided us with a further tidbit of information:
"As part of major revisions to the Penal Code approved by parliament last month, Singapore legalised oral and anal sex between heterosexual couples but retained a law which criminalises intercourse between gay men."
I only have three comments.
1. Can you say sensationalism!?!?
2. Shi-et. I'm glad all the Singaporean couples, husbands and wives, casual sex buddies and international students can now begin to explore the sweet, sweet avenues of oral and anal hanky panky, because the government told them that it is okay now. Because you know, we wouldn't want to break the law in the privacy of our own bedrooms.
3. I wonder how he powers that be policed these horribly illegal acts before this change in legislation?

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